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The Third Roosevelt
Atheist President Series Book 1

America has fallen in love with presidential candidate Jack Roosevelt, distant cousin to Teddy and FDR. Easily winning the hearts of voters, this former chief of staff is well on his way to the Oval Office when he is forced to reveal that he’s an atheist. With the American people now disgusted by Jack and his lack of belief, his battle for the White House seems near impossible as his funding disappears and protestors accompany every stump speech. Weathering the storm with him is his campaign manager, Erica Taylor, an intelligent political media strategist from California. Determined to help Jack, she is still haunted by her parents’ murder ten years earlier in Egypt. A delicate romance begins to blossom when a terrorist attack halts their love affair and Jack’s bid for president. As the campaign falls into chaos, Erica uncovers a secret from Jack’s past: that he’s partially responsible for her parents’ deaths. With lives hanging in the balance halfway around the world, Jack not only risks losing the approaching election, but he risks losing Erica to a mistake he made a decade prior. Through political disgrace and lost love, Jack is unsure if he will ever live up to the Roosevelt name. The Third Roosevelt is a story of politics, religion, and love. Recorded by the ticking of an antique watch once owned by Teddy and FDR, Jack and Erica’s tale meanders through political trials and triumphs, showing us that the only thing we need to believe in is love.